Time to be the real airplane pilot in this plane simulator 3D game. Feel the experience of how the earth looks like from the sky. Contolling the airplane is now easy. People on the passanger plane needs your attention to take them safely to their destination. Real feel of cockpit view, back camera to keep eye on the passangers and multiple other cameras make the game very interesting for you. Steer your plane through the sky from one destination to another. Airplane flying and landings all in this airplane fight pilot sim game. You will have to be careful when taking off and when you are going to do the landing. Make sure that you do not crash and land safely. Be in the contact with the flight control because they will guide you to reach your destination safely and you do not get any emergency landings. Features => Realistic Physics in this 2015 flight simulator game. => Extreme plane flying Skills required => Thrilling but entertaining gameplay missions => Take care of the tourist as your passangers => Hours of fun => Adventurous with full of thrilling airplane flight missions Download this flight simulator game for android for free. Prove yourself as the best pilot and conquer the skies. You do not need any internet connection to play this game. You can always play this game anywhere any time. Your Feedbacks and ratings are valuable for us to keep ourselves busy in creating more fun in the games to entertain you, your family and your friends.In case if you find any bug that needed to be addressed just send us an email, we will improve it and reply to your email as soon as possible.
- FlightGear merupakan simulator penerbangan open source yang dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan atau keingintahuan siapa saja yang ingin merasakan ketika menerbangkan pesawat terbang atau helikopter. Simulator ini berisi berbagai model pesawat mulai dari model pesawat ringan hingga pesawat penumpang besar seperti Boeing 777-200.
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Pc Simulator Games

Simulator Games For Pc Download
Game PC simulator pesawat yang dikembangkan oleh salah satu divisi gamenya “Microsoft” yaitu Microsoft Game Studios. Dalam game ini, gamer akan diajarkan bagaimana cara mengendarai, kode-kode tentang penerbangan yang beragam sampai cara landing pun ditunjukan dalam game ini. Pastinya, membuat gamer merasakan sensasi mengendarai pesawat.