Mar 19, 2019 Appearance and Personalization Tutorials showing you how to customize the following: looks (resolution, colors, etc), the taskbar and start menu, Folder Options and Fonts. Put the Volume Mixer icon back on your taskbar.
- Continuing our module or modules…on troubleshooting Windows 7,…and we just completed a module talking about…troubleshooting the monitor display.…So, remember you've got to have…signed compatible drivers for your hardware,…particularly in Windows 7.…You've got all kinds of settings that you can get…from your desktop here by alt clicking.…You've got settings on your essentially start PERL…by clicking, right clicking and doing properties,…and from your task bar you can go into…the properties of your computer…and go and take a look at advanced system settings,…and we can take a look at essentially our visual effects.…
We've been through all of that in a module.…So, what we're going to do now is go to the control panel…and focus on those settings associated with…the graphic display personalization,…by looking at the control panel category called…appearance and personalization.…So, many of these features can be directly accessed…from the desktop, where you right click…and say personalization.…So, if I take a look at this set,…
Windows 7 Walkthrough: Appearance and Personalization Control Panel
Windows 7’s Control Panel is literally packed with tools (a.k.a. applets) that allow you to configure and control the way that the operating system works. Because the Control Panel has so many tools, Microsoft added a Search box to make it easy for you to find the tool that you need for a particular task.To help you become familiar with all of the tools that are available in Windows 7’s Control Panel, I have created the Windows 7 Walkthrough series in which I’ll show you and provide a brief overview of each tool in the Control Panel categories. This one covers the tools in the Appearance and Personalization category.